Wednesday, June 23, 2010


You can say were like the couple in crazy/beautiful...hes the hott smart family guy and im the crazy bitch who has really bad issues lol...but in the end despite all my flaws hes still here...and i dunno why .i ask my self how can ppl put up with me because im so complicated... i require so much attention sometimes i like to be treated like a princess ...list goes on and on ...and all he wants is my love...yet im so stubborn and i want everything my way.. i dont think i do this on purpose tho ive always been this way .sometimes i dont understand my self and why i am the way i am, it can be sooo ugggghhhhh sometimes.. i think it has alot to do with apart of my past...but im working on it... might not seem like it but i am ...just the pase of it is like a snail walking day i know ill be able to be deeper in love then i am now and when that day comes imma thank god sooo much because ive been wanting to be able to feel that again...i hope my baby learns to be more patient on how i am because one day i know we'll be something great :)

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